Saturday, October 11, 2008

Back to Basics

As my health continues to decline and I continue my fight with doctor's receptionists and nurses in an effort to see a specialist, I find I am in bed dreaming of creating. I long to get back to it, but do not have the means just now. I did start sketching in a pad on the couch the other night. It reminded me of how much I love just the basics of drawing. As soon as possible I would like to get back to life drawing. There is nothing so satisfying as successfully completing a drawing of what is really the puzzle of the human body. Training your eye to report to your brain then to hand distance, shape, perspective. It is a rather amazing process. Addictive as well. I find I can physically detect my brain switching gear when I start to draw.
This drawing is one I did while in New Hampshire. I do not recall the exact dimensions. If interested I will get her out of the portfolio.

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